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How To Care For *ANY* Bonsai Tree
How To Care For *ANY* Bonsai Tree

How To Care For *ANY* Bonsai Tree

Before you buy a bonsai tree, you’re probably going to look for care specifics, or a “care sheet” for your dream tree.

A piece of paper that tells you exactly what you need to do to keep this bonsai tree of yours alive and well.

If it seems pretty straight forward, you buy the tree.

(At least that’s how I did it before I started doing this professionally.)

The problem I’ve always had with care sheets is the problem I have with bonsai books — THEY’RE TOO HARD TO UNDERSTAND, AND FULL OF USELESS INFORMATION!

So when I decided to add real live bonsai trees to the things we offer at Love My Bonsai, I had to figure this problem out:

How do I create EASY and HELPFUL care sheets for the bonsai trees I sell?

It took me way longer than I’d like to admit, but I did it.

We have care sheets that will help you take care of specific bonsai trees.  Something that will help remind you to take care of the basics, and give you that 1% of uniqueness for a tree that can make the difference between thriving and “wow.”

And if you just so happen to purchase a tree from us, the care sheet for your exact tree will be here (and automatically emailed to you, to make your life easier.)

If you’re looking for one of these easy to read “cheat sheets” for keeping your bonsai tree happy and healthy for the rest of your life, click here to see the current list.

P.S.  This is something I'm constantly adding to.  If you have a specific request for a specific care sheet, comment below and I'll happily add it in for you.

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Steve - April 8, 2023

@Lee – Lavender Star can bloom in their first year! They need slow release fertilizer applied, and tons of sun, and you shouldn’t be pruning off new shoots that may bloom. Try letting it grow wild for a season and see if that blooms for you.

Lee Urias - April 8, 2023

Does lavender star flower bloom on new growth? It’s my second year and no blooms, maybe I am pruning it too much

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